Creative Thinking Exercise
Creative Problem Solving:
How to get down from the back of an elephant?
Creative Comparisons:
How is the elephant same as a chair?
Critical Thinking Exercise
Challenging reliability of a claim
What are some good questions you should ask before you believe a person who said that she saw a UFO?
“Learning to ASK” Game
Asking “Closed-ended” Questions
Teach children to ask good questions to identify the vehicle to ride. For example, based on the list of vehicles in the video:
- Child: Can it carry a lot of people?
- Teacher: No.
- Child: Does it have a motor?
- Teacher: No.
- Child: It is a Bicycle!
Play it with your child!
Group Problem Solving Activity
Think of ways to get keys out of a drain-hole. Our young JLTP problem solvers are at work.
Can you imagine how these young thinkers will take off from here in future?